Body Mechanics H2O - MMT - RC
Meeting needs, using my body mechanics to address and correct yours!
Massage Modalities

Experience deep relaxation and a stimulated lymphatic system with effects of three massages in one setting! Bars overhead are used for support and balance to ensure every touch is tailored to your needs!

AOBT Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy is a wonderful modality of Massage that after a few treatments help improve posture, movement, relieve pain, and create well being while applying a deep pressure with the broad area of the foot for a more comforting sensation!

Like any modality in massage or even exercise and stretching, there is a pressure scale, where we like to have good tension but not any pain! The scale is as follows:

  • 0-2 Was that a butterfly that landed on me?
  • 3-5 starting to get yummy
  • 6-7 absolutely delicious
  • 8 hurts so good would not want anymore
  • 9 yikes. . . . Forget the tip
  • 10 hit the road jack don't want to come back no moe no moe no moe no moe!

This technique is a deep relaxing treatment. The therapist's bodyweight is used to press and relax the muscles. The Massage is done mainly with the heel and lateral plantar surface of the foot. However the rest of the foot is also used. A good AOBT therapist needs coordination, balance and a slow, smooth, relaxed manner. A soft foot with relaxed toes is the best tool for this style of effleurage movements. Myofascial work is slower and better; slower, less oil, more drag and more effect on deeper layers of muscle.

AOBT compression movements along the paraspinals and the lumbar region can relieve muscle spasms and open the intervertebral foramen. It will give the nerves more space (if the pain is being caused by the pressure on the nerves). It will also increase circulation by bringing more fresh oxygenated blood to the area being treated. Many of the AOBT movements help to elongate the spine. These movements dramatically stretch the shortened muscles, relieving muscular discomfort. These movements help the bodies’ lymphatic system release toxins and a very high rate, which is why clients may feel a bit unstable after a session. It is said to be three times more effective than a basic massage.

The biggest benefit of the AOBT technique is that after a few treatments it will help improve the clients posture and movement while relieving pain, improve body function and creating a state of well being. 

Ashi Therapists have been NCBTMB approved providers since 1995

Case studies on the founder’s clients between the years of 1992 to 1996 found her technique to be successful with amazing results in the release of chronic inflammation. The average number of visits to maximum improvement was one every two weeks for six weeks, or three visits.  Many orthopedic and chiropractic physicians not only endorse this technique but are regular clients of our graduates and instructors across the country.

With Ashiatsu, the therapist uses long deep strokes with the feet covering much more territory and avoiding the use of small repetitive movements.

Benefits of Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy (AOBT) / Deep Feet Bar Therapy:

  • The feet are more comfortable than pointy elbows and thumbs; it's not painful
  • The broad surfaces of the feet enable the client to relax into the strokes. It's known to induce deep relaxation quickly.
  • Gravity enables the pressure to be deeper than with hands-on
  • Ashiatsu increases circulation quickly
  • It's both luxurious and therapeutic at the same time. 
  • AOBT is especially beneficial as it warms up the larger muscle groups. 
  • Ashiatsu relieve tight muscles and stress 
  • Deep pressure stimulates the body's self-healing capabilities 
  • Less soreness typically results then with deep or Neuromuscular work

With the series of strokes in barefoot bar therapy, the pain can easily start to diminish just minutes into the first session, with holistic benefits lasting throughout the week—beyond what a traditional deep tissue massage typically provides. Ashiatsu is known as the “deepest, most luxurious massage on the planet,” yet it also works at a profound, therapeutic level that helps clients reduce and eliminate pain. 

Ashiatsu provides the depth many massage consumers crave, and focuses on injury treatment.  

This barefoot bar therapy is recognized as a specific deep tissue technique, and has shown remarkable results for persons suffering from:

  • Chronic pain
  • Limited mobility
  • Recovery from injuries (whiplash, falls, sports, etc.)
  • Repetitive strain injury, such as carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Postural problems
  • Osteoarthritis pain
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Muscle tension or spasms
  • Spinal pain, including lower back, neck and thoracic pain
  • Failed surgery for back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Myofascial pain
  • Neuropathic pain
  • Chronic pelvic pain
  • Joint pain

Lower back pain can stem from many issues-postural, past injury, travel, etc. With the series of strokes in Deep Feet Bar Therapy, the pain can easily start to diminish just minutes into the first session, with holistic benefits lasting throughout the week – beyond what traditional deep tissue massage typically provides.

Once the early waves of relaxation wash over the client, a deeper level of therapeutic bodywork naturally begins. The superficial fascia moves under the therapist’s arch. Layers of dehydrated and chronic scar tissue begin to melt under the ball of the therapist’s foot, allowing for the client’s deeper hypertonic (tight) muscles to stretch and lengthen under their soft heel; all of this just within the first five to ten minutes of therapy.

Working the low back and hips beginning with the fascia starts a chain reaction of relaxation through the entire body. Gliding barefoot compressions to the sacrum and surrounding areas gently mobilize the web of deep and superficial membranes – increasing range of motion, and tissue rejuvenation, naturally assisting an passive realignment of the sacroiliac joints and pubic symphasis. Prolonged compressions heat, stretch, and energize connective tissues while also activating the parasympathetic nervous system as the body gently attunes itself. This part of the nervous system slows heart rate, and normalizes blood pressure. It is also responsible for telling muscles to relax, improving digestion and absorption, boosting immunity and promoting good sleep!

Working up the back elongates the spine and opens the intervertebral space increasing disc space height and centrally aligning its position.

Irritation on the spinal nerves may also be relieved with a variety of broad, gentle directional forces applied by a well trained foot.

Traction builds toward the head with a rolling decompression of joint capsules. Pressure saturates the body creating slight articulations of flexion and extension. With each carefully applied stroke, subtle gravity flows through the therapist’s foot down into the client’s tissue with a safe and steady comfortable weight. This helps release chronic postural holding patterns, increases client awareness of space, reduces pain and lengthens the body.

With mid back pain, there can be forward rounding of the thoracic spine and shoulders that can create an aching sometimes sharp radiating sensation between the shoulder blades. About 15-20 minutes into the session we begin to apply strokes that address the intrinsic muscles of the spine that live in the lamina groove to help alleviate chronic mid and upper back soreness.

For clients who love deep pressure massage and are looking for fast relief from pain, AOBT can create a single session that manages chronic and or acute pain.

Book Your Session Today!

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Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
Member, Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals (870) 688-1093
Harrison, AR 72601
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